canton Zurich
Clean Space for Your piece of mind
We offer solutions!
Order in kids’ room
myth or reality? :)
The most occupied and clutter-prone room is usually kids’ room.
We hope that a few of our ideas will help you to make cleaning their joyful for you and your children.
1. Do not keep all the toys in the room at the same time.
Do a “toy selection” from time to time – leave in the room only those toys which your child regularly plays with and bring the rest to the cellar/ locked box/ wardrobe until it’s needed again. And change the «exposition» from time to time.
2. Throw away broken toys, puzzles with missing parts, books with missing pages, broken pencils, old or damaged clothes, old kids’ paintings, or just toys that are not loved anymore. (Do it without hesitation, your child deserves to play with good toys. Broken stuff has a bad effect on the kids' psyche)
3. Keep each kind of toys in a separate organizer.
You can use beautiful colorful boxes, transparent plastic boxes, or baskets and make them as a room interior or put organizers right inside the drawers with toys.
*** If your child has a habit to dump everything out of the box, maybe he/she just has difficulties finding the certain toy and it is better to store these toys on the shelves (for example all the toy cars or all the plush toys). Make an opened shelf exposition putting toys one by one in a row - this way it will be easier for your kid to see them all at once and to choose the desired one.
Therefore there will be no need to put them all on the floor to find what he/she needs.
4. Keep a laundry basket and a trash bin in the room and show your child where to put the dirty clothes and where to bring the trash.
5. Show your child how to make the bed nicely and make it a morning habit. (start with your own example in your bedroom. If you do it with pleasure and then admire the result, then one day your child will want to repeat after you)
6. How to teach kids tidying up and cleaning from a young age?
Simply do it together as a pleasant daily game. Turn on nice music and enjoy putting things in their places and all the toys in their “homes” to have a rest.
You can put on some suits of a superman or a fairy, saving the homeworld from the mess. Feel free to make the house cleaning funny!
Crucial for the good result: DO IT TOGETHER!
Encourage your kids, saying what great helpers they are!
And do not forget that Your Own example of Cleanliness and daily habits is the main motivation for your kids!
All rights reserved. V. Voskresenska Quantum Satis, CHE-134.875.385, Oeltrottenstrasse 27, CH - 8707, Uetikon am See, ZH, Switzerland