canton Zurich
Clean Space for Your piece of mind
We offer solutions!
How much do the mess and chaos cost you?
According to the studies of psychologists, there is a direct connection between organization, the desire to maintain order, and the financial condition of a person. When everything is in its place, cleanliness is around, then thoughts are lined up, the order is in your head, and everything is clear and simple in a person’s money matters.
A clean, orderly space makes a person more focused, and it positively affects his/her business and work processes.
A person who knows how to keep in order the space around him automatically transfers this skill to the space of finance. Disorder causes damage, if not directly, then indirectly.
You will ask me - How?
The disorder takes many forms, it can be created by papers, clothes, furniture, negative thoughts, useless activities.
Money: Make a schedule for paying bills for a month, set reminders.
Papers: Organize the incoming flow of papers, a system for their storage and processing.
Clothing: For each thing, determine its own place, organize a wardrobe, and set up a clothing care scheme.
Time: Keep a calendar, plan a day in advance, transfer information to a single organizer.
Work: organize the workplace and keep it in order, prioritize tasks.
Space: organize the space and its cleaning, so that every meter of your apartment/office is used efficiently. (Remember how much a square meter of housing costs in your area?)
Notice how your mood changes depending on what kind of room you enter - clean or cluttered.
That’s why the Chinese sages say that if you want to achieve success in your personal life and work, then put things in order in your home.
Less clutter in the home, office, schedule, and head means more space for the life you want to live.
We are always HERE to help you clean up!
All rights reserved. V. Voskresenska Quantum Satis, CHE-134.875.385, Oeltrottenstrasse 27, CH - 8707, Uetikon am See, ZH, Switzerland