canton Zurich
Clean Space for Your piece of mind
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Happy kitchen
11 tips to keep your kitchen clean with ease
Cleanliness is a matter of habit, not a long-term project
A cozy clean kitchen is an oasis where you can always pour yourself a cup of aromatic coffee to tune in to the day or delicious tea to relax after a hard day.
While clutter and dirt in the kitchen only bring irritation and inner discontent, even if we are not aware of this.
Of course, there is not always enough time for deep cleaning, so we offer you some tips and preventive measures to make it easier to keep your kitchen clean, and therefore keep yourself in a good mood.
Let them be our Good HABIT.
1)Clean shining sink
The first thing that always catches your eye when entering the kitchen (if it is not cleaned) is dirty dishes, a sink with a dark coating, and a stove with stains.
In the morning, this sight can ruin the mood for the whole day.
Therefore, put the dishes in the dishwasher immediately after use, or rinse them by hand. Each of us knows very well HOW difficult and (!) Unpleasant it is to wash plates with dried remnants of food.
Take out the remnants of food from the sink and wipe it with a sponge with a drop of cleaning agent (keep it always nearby).
If you also wipe the sink DRY, it will shine even brighter in gratitude to you.
2)Clean shining stove
A clean stove, with its mirror-like shine, can add a sense of cleanliness to the entire kitchen.
After cooking wipe it quickly or if stronger measures are necessary, then put a mix of water and vinegar, and after 5-10 min just wipe everything.
3) Free and clean horizontal surfaces
Just put all the stuff inside the fridge or kitchen cabinets. You will get used to it :) Free horizontal surfaces make a nice feeling of emptiness and breathing space.
If you wipe the surface immediately after getting dirty, you will save minutes, if not hours. And of course, your good mood. You know well how dirty stains may stress.
4) Take out - put back
If you took something out of the fridge (milk for coffee), kitchen cabinet (sugar or salt) - put it back immediately after using it if you don't need it anymore. You will avoid piles of products that appear from "nowhere" in several hours and creates a messy kitchen appearance.
5) Cook – clean
Actually, there is more cleaning in the process of cooking than cooking itself. So, while cooking clean the dishes that are used already (or load it in the dishwasher), you will create more space and cleanliness and the process of cooking will become more pleasant and much easier. (don’t believe me? :) Why not try?)
I know, it may sound ridiculous (“do it at the same time?”), But as soon as you catch the rhythm you will really like it because it makes things easier.
Use free minutes for cleaning, not for browsing on the internet :) Waiting till the water will boil? - wipe the table or clean the dishes, waiting for the pastry to get baked? - put all the used products back ...
6) Kitchen cloth is washed regularly
Wash or change kitchen cloth, towels, sponges at least once a week.
Make a reminder if it is difficult to control, or ask one of the family members to be responsible for that.
7) Review storage system
No unnecessary utensils and household appliances!
You should carefully inspect everything that is stored in the kitchen and ruthlessly get rid of all kinds of unused jars, boxes and containers, throw away all cracked plates, cups with broken handles, a towel that is already gray from numerous washings. You should also do the same with all non-working household appliances - the fewer small items in the kitchen, the easier it is to clean it.
Minimize open storage systems. Despite the attractive appearance of the jars on the shelves, pans and spatulas suspended from the rails, they will always be a magnet for dust and grease. So it is much more rational to put everything in closed kitchen cabinets.
8) Items you use often lays close
Organize your storage system in such a way that all the products, spices, dishes, that you use often, lay close (reviewing your storage system will take the time of course, but it will save in future many hours and kilometers of your nerves)
9) Less information noise
Use special storage jars for keeping groceries, bulk products.
All these shop packages have too much information on it, and if we do not need it, it causes only irritation when we look at it (usually in happens subconsciously). Because we got tons of information from different sources every minute of our life, and our brains are overloaded with it.
10) Similar style for different items
If the items look the same, it seems that there are fewer of them. Then the feeling in the kitchen is lighter and calmer
11) Clutter Box
Start a box where you will put small things that do not have their own places. But don't forget to disassemble it periodically!
Keep your kitchen clean and it will cheer you up every day!
And do not forget to reward your kitchen that serves you faithfully with something pleasant (flowers, painting, beautiful textiles ...)
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